Islamic State jihadists say strict rules and emphasis on motherhood protects women better than feminism

Isil jihadists have published a manifesto for women living under their rule, including marriage at nine, education to the age of 15, and an escape from the harsh dictates of western feminism.

The document, published only in Arabic and translated by the anti-militant group Quilliam, says it is wrong to deny a woman education but that “the greatness of her position, the purpose of her existence is the Divine duty of motherhood”.

It repeatedly attacks the oppression of women in the West and elsewhere in the Arab world, describing a repeated cycle of poverty, state violence, and women having to submit to men’s gaze and “receive from them what women have to when faced with men”.

The document repeatedly stresses that it is supportive of women’s rights – just that it has a different view of why she needs those rights.

It says women should be educated because they cannot fulfil their duty if they are illiterate or ignorant. However, the curriculum it advises focuses strongly on religious education, with sidelines in basic science, and “skills like textiles and knitting, basic cooking”.

“Yes, we say ‘stay in your houses’, but this does not mean, in any way, that we support illiteracy, backwardness or ignorance,” the document says.

Its school curriculum ends at 15, but elsewhere in the document it points out that it has not stopped women going to university in areas under its control, and allows them to become doctors and teachers.

Pictures on social media show veiled women training with fire-arms. The document clarifies that women can fight jihad if a special fatwa is issued allowing them to do, “if the situation of the ummah has become desperate.

That raises the prospect of women fighting last-ditch battles against the anti-Isil coalition if it successfully manages to drive them out of Iraq and Syria.

On marriage, the document takes the hardline Salafi position, based on contested teachings about the life of the Prophet Mohammed and his youngest wife, Aisha, that it is legitimate for a girl to be married at the age of nine. “Most pure girls will be married by sixteen or seventeen, when they are still young and active,” it continues.

“Young men will not be more than twenty years old in those glorious generations.”

Despite its preference for women staying inside the home and concentrating on looking after her husband and raising her children, it does not rule out employment absolutely.

It says her job should not exceed three days a week, and should not involve “more than she is able to endure”.

Although western attitudes to women’s rights are condemned on virtually every page, its provisions in some areas would make even the most enlightened Swede weep with joy.

It advises a minimum two years of maternity leave, extended holidays – including special allowances if children are sick or if husbands travelling – and extensive childcare provision for women who are forced to work.

It portrays the veil as a “right” that had been denied by colonialist oppressors, mainly so they could inflict identity checks on women.

“After the establishment of the caliphate, coverings and hijab things returned to the country and decency swept the country,” it says.

The document seems to have been uploaded to the internet by the Khansaa, an all-women police force ensuring that women observe these and other aspects of Isil’s interpretation of Shariah.

Charlie Winter, who translated the document for Quilliam, said he thought it was aimed at Arabic women – as it did not appear in translation, like other jihadi documents – and in particular those in Saudi Arabia, on which it has a long and critical section.

The document regards the limited modernisation overseen by King Abdullah before he died last month as a particular threat, warning against the notion that the country can maintain traditional Islamic values while opening up to the West.

It denounces the kingdom for allowing men and women to work alongside each other, and for allowing women to travel to the West “on scholarships”.

It is particularly hostile to the King Abdullah University for Science and Technology in Jeddah – the first mixed sex university in the country – which it calls “a university of corruption” where “males and females are able to mingle in the hallways as if they were in an infidel country”.

Throughout, it claims to be defending the rights of women, saying that its rules protects them from abuse better than the “liberation” of the “western model”.

The failure of that model was proven by governments which had now begun to pay salaries to return home to raise their children, it says.

True faith recognises the difference between men and women, it adds, in poetic language.

“Women have this Heavenly secret in sedentariness, stillness and stability, and men its opposite, movement and flux, that which is the nature of man, created in him.

“If roles are mixed and positions overlap, humanity is thrown into a state of flux and instability. The base of society is shaken, its foundations crumble, and its walls collapse.”

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